Emily Shoots

Overview of Project

This project was done to show potential clients what I can do for them. The goal was to create a professional looking & user-friendly web design for a fictional photographer, Emily. Emily is a self-taught photographer turned professional. With more than 10 years of experience, you can trust her to bring your ideas to life. After doing my own research on freelance photographer websites in Singapore, I realised many were beautifully designed but lacked the most important part – good user experience. To add on, majority were not mobile responsive and that was a huge no since people are going mobile these days.


The Solution


Responsiveness was a huge issue in the web designs I’ve come across while doing my research. I wanted to make sure I addressed the problems in my web design for Emily.

With mobile web usage increasing, it is imperative that websites can be viewed across all mobile devices. It contributes to good user experience as users are able to scroll through with ease. Most importantly, a responsive web design helps to rank on search engines.
Portfolio. Emily Shoots. Responsiveness. - Shan
Portfolio. Emily Shoots. Consistency. - Shan

User Experience


The lack of consistency was a recurring element in most of the websites I’ve explored. In an attempt to make web designs look interesting and creative, new design elements were introduced into different pages.

While it does show creativity, it was missing one of the most important principles in user experience – consistency. In Emily’s website, I made sure to reinforce important elements of the design in every page to make it familiar, reduce confusion and frustration in users.

Font Size

Font size was also an issue in majority of the websites. The small font sizes used made it hard for users to read. For Emily’s website, I made sure that font sizes were comfortable for reading, and kept in mind for ample spacing between each line of texts.

Readability is such an important factor to good user experience. Small, tight chunks of texts will deter users from going through the content on the website.
Portfolio. Emily Shoots. Font Size. - Shan
Portfolio. Emily Shoots. CTA Buttons. - Shan

CTA Buttons

To help guide users, the call-to-action (CTA) buttons were made to stand out from the rest of the elements on Emily’s website.

The Result

Portfolio. Emily Shoots. The Result. - Shan

Get in touch to create something amazing together!

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